Back From The Brink

Walking with pastors who are on the brink of quitting or deep in the pit of burnout

Life Line

No pastor should ever walk alone. There is no wound or crisis too big that God is not able to help and heal. God always brings the right people into our lives when we need it and seek it. We have walked to the brink of death and back in our own lives and ministry. We not only can help you heal, we can help you find your balance in ministry again. We are not the only life line you may need, but we can help you find the right ones to grab hold. 

Find your field and stream

Psalm 23 has become a mantra for our lives in ministry. God promises to make you lie down and lead you besides streams to restore your soul. We want to help guide you there. When I was recovering from my stress-induced heart attack, I found peaceful places for rest that I never knew existed with the help of the right people around me. These are not just physical places but spiritual, emotional and mental spaces. 

Pathway to Restoration

There is a difference between rest and restoration. You need both! Let us help you find the right rhythms and patterns back to a place of rest and restoration. Sometimes when you are off the path you desire, the only way back is with the right guide. The guide doesn’t just point the way, they show you the way and walk with you. Our goal is to guide you to the right places, the right people and the right posture to receive the healing you need.  

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